

Cloud Data Engineering

The team is currently looking for a Data Engineer intern to take part in a Predictive Maintenance project for our client in the automotive sector: the activity’s aim is to build and enrich a suite of cloud data services with new data related to Telematics Sensor Data and Manufacturing Bill of Materials.

The internship will be focused on the following tasks:

- Data Integration: various data sources (such as failure data, telematics sensor data…) must be analyzed and joined in order to provide both frontend applications and Machine Learning tools the data needed for the project

- Data Modelling: designing and developing the data model to merge various sources together

- Flow orchestration & management: design, development and maintenance of data flows and ETL mechanism

The candidate will work with the following technologies:

- Azure Databricks

- Azure Data Factory

- Microsoft Flow

- Azure Data Science Virtual Machines

Roma Torino
Data Science and Engineering Informatica Ingegneria Gestionale Ingegneria Informatica Statistica
Big Data/AI
Progetto sul campo

- Good knowledge of Python and its most used libraries (Pandas, Numpy…)

- Understanding of Pyspark and distributed computing

- Basic knowledge of SQL

- Understanding of main Cloud Technologies

- Advanced English

- Eagerness to learn and readiness to face many challenges

nel mese 03/2022
Full Time
3 - 6 mesi

KPMG offre l'opportunità di un tirocinio curricolare con supporto per la compilazione della tesi di laurea.

L'inizio della tesi è previsto da marzo ad aprile 2022., per la durata di 4-6 mesi.

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